# Akkoma.py Python wrapper for the Akkoma (https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma) API. # Register your app! This only needs to be done once. Uncomment the code and substitute in your information. from akkoma import Akkoma ''' client_id, client_secret = Akkoma.create_app( 'app_name', to_file="app_clientcred.txt", api_base_url = 'https://yourakkoma.instance' ) ''' # Then login. This can be done every time, or use persisted. from akkoma import Akkoma akkoma = Akkoma(client_id = "app_clientcred.txt", api_base_url = 'https://yourakkoma.instance') grant_type = 'password' akkoma.log_in( client_id, client_secret, grant_type, 'user', 'password', to_file = "app_usercred.txt" ) # To post, create an actual API instance. from akkoma import Akkoma akkoma = Akkoma( access_token = 'app_usercred.txt', api_base_url = 'https://yourakkoma.instance' ) akkoma.status_post('Posting from python using Akkoma.py !')