A note on versioning: This librarys major version will grow with the APIs version number. Breaking changes will be indicated by a change in the minor (or major) version number, and will generally be avoided. v1.2.0 ------ * BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed streaming functions to be more in line with the rest * POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGE: Added attribute-style access for returned dicts * Mastodon v2.1.0 compatibility * Added custom_emojis() * Added list(), lists(), list_accounts() * Added list_create(), list_update(), list_delete() * Added list_accounts_add(), list_accounts_delete() * Added account_lists() * Added timeline_list() * Added stream_list() * Added automatic id unpacking * Added api versioning * Added a large amount of tests (MASSIVE thanks to codl) * Added asynchronous mode to streaming api (Thanks Kjwon15) * Added CallbackStreamListener * Improved documentation for the streaming API * Various fixes, clarifications, et cetera (Thanks Dryusdan, codl) v1.1.2 ------ * 2.0 id compatibility (thanks codl) * Added emoji support * Media alt-text support (thanks foozmeat) * Python2 fixes (thanks ragingscholar) * General code cleanup and small fixes (thanks codl) * Beginnings of better error handling (thanks Elizafox) * Various documentation updates v1.1.1 ------ * Emergency fix to allow logging in to work (thanks codl) v1.1.0 ------ * BREAKING CHANGE: Added date parsing to the response parser * Added notification dismissal * Added conversation muting * Updated documentation * Added asynchronous mode for the streaming API * Fixed several bugs (thanks ng-0, LogalDeveloper, Chronister, Elizafox, codl, lambadalambda) * Improved code style (thanks foxmask) v1.0.8 ------ * Added support for domain blocks * Updated the documentation to reflect API changes * Added support for pagination (Thanks gled-rs, azillion) * Fixed various bugs (Thanks brrzap, fumi-san) v1.0.7 ------ * Added support for OAuth2 (Thanks to azillon) * Added support for several new endpoints (Thanks phryk, aeonofdiscord, naoyat) * Fixed various bugs (Thanks EliotBerriot, csu, edsu) * Added support for streaming API (Thanks wjt) v1.0.6 ------ * Fixed several bugs (Thanks to Psycojoker, wjt and wxcafe) * Added support for spoiler text (Thanks to Erin Congden) * Added support for mute functionality (Thanks to Erin Congden) * Added support for getting favourites (Thanks to Erin Congden) * Added support for follow requests (Thanks to Erin Congden, again) * Added MANIFEST.in to allow for conda packaging (Thanks, pmlandwehr) v1.0.5 ------ * Fixed previous fix (Thank you, @tylerb@mastodon.social) v1.0.4 ------ * Fixed an app creation bug (Thank you, @tylerb@mastodon.social) v1.0.3 ------ * Added support for toot privacy (thanks fpietsche) v1.0.2 ------ * Removed functions and documentation for APIs that have been removed * Documentation is now vastly improved thanks to @lydia@mastodon.social / girlsim * Rate limiting code - Mastodon.py can now attempt to respect rate limits * Several small bug fixes, consistency fixes, quality-of-life improvements v.1.0.1 ------- * Added timeline_*() functions for consistency. timeline() functions as before. * Clarified documentation in various places. * Added previously-undocumented notifications() - API that gets a users notifications. v.1.0.0 ------- * Initial Release