import pytest @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_public_tl_anonymous(api_anonymous, status): tl = api_anonymous.timeline_public() assert status['id'] in map(lambda st: st['id'], tl) # although tempting, we can't do # assert status in tl # because the statuses returned in the tl have additional # pagination-related attributes @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_public_tl(api, status): tl = api.timeline_public() print(tl[0]) assert status['id'] in map(lambda st: st['id'], tl) @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_home_tl(api, status): tl = api.timeline_home() assert status['id'] in map(lambda st: st['id'], tl) @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_hashtag_tl(api): status = api.status_post('#hoot (hashtag toot)') tl = api.timeline_hashtag('hoot') try: assert status['id'] in map(lambda st: st['id'], tl) finally: api.status_delete(status['id'])