import os import sys from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta import time import psycopg2 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import smtplib from smtplib import SMTPException, SMTPAuthenticationError, SMTPConnectError, SMTPRecipientsRefused import socket from socket import gaierror def smtp_config(): secrets_filepath = "secrets/secrets.txt" smtp_host = get_parameter("smtp_host", secrets_filepath) smtp_user_login = get_parameter("smtp_user_login", secrets_filepath) smtp_user_password = get_parameter("smtp_user_password", secrets_filepath) email_subject = get_parameter("email_subject", secrets_filepath) return (smtp_host, smtp_user_login, smtp_user_password, email_subject) def db_config(): config_filepath = "config/db_config.txt" mastodon_db = get_parameter("mastodon_db", config_filepath) mastodon_db_user = get_parameter("mastodon_db_user", config_filepath) mailing_db = get_parameter("mailing_db", config_filepath) mailing_db_user = get_parameter("mailing_db_user", config_filepath) mailing_db_table = get_parameter("mailing_db_table", config_filepath) inactive_days = get_parameter("inactive_days", config_filepath) return (mastodon_db, mastodon_db_user, mailing_db, mailing_db_user, mailing_db_table, inactive_days) def get_parameter( parameter, file_path ): # Check if secrets file exists if not os.path.isfile(file_path): if file_path == "secrets/secrets.txt": print("File %s not found, exiting. Run"%file_path) elif file_path == "config/db_config.txt": print("File %s not found, exiting. Run"%file_path) sys.exit(0) # Find parameter in file with open( file_path ) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith( parameter ): return line.replace(parameter + ":", "").strip() # Cannot find parameter, exit print(file_path + " Missing parameter %s "%parameter) print("Run") sys.exit(0) class Inactives: name = "Inactives" def __init__(self): smtp_host, smtp_user_login, smtp_user_password, email_subject = smtp_config() mastodon_db, mastodon_db_user, mailing_db, mailing_db_user, mailing_db_table, inactive_days = db_config() self.smtp_host = smtp_host self.smtp_user_login = smtp_user_login self.smtp_user_password = smtp_user_password self.email_subject = email_subject self.mastodon_db = mastodon_db self.mastodon_db_user = mastodon_db_user self.mailing_db = mailing_db self.mailing_db_user = mailing_db_user self.mailing_db_table = mailing_db_table self.inactive_days = inactive_days = def id(self): ############################################################################### # get id of inactive users from inactive database conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mailing_db, user = self.mailing_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT account_id FROM " + self.mailing_db_table) rows = cur.fetchall() if rows != []: inactive_users_id = [] for row in rows: inactive_users_id.append(row[0]) else: inactive_users_id = [] cur.close() return inactive_users_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def delete(self,ids_lst): print(f'\nChecking {len(ids_lst)} ids to delete reactivated or deleted accounts...') i = 0 while i < len(ids_lst): seen = self.check_alive(self, ids_lst[i]) try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mailing_db, user = self.mailing_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT emailed_at FROM " + self.mailing_db_table + " where account_id=(%s)", (ids_lst[i],)) row = cur.fetchone() email_datetime = row[0] email_datetime = email_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None) if seen != None: reactivated = email_datetime < seen last_year = - timedelta(days=int(self.inactive_days)) if reactivated == True or seen == None or seen > last_year: #if inactive user had reactivated its account or had deleted it we must delete related row from 'mailing_db_table' cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + self.mailing_db_table + " where account_id=(%s)", (ids_lst[i],)) print(f"Deleting user {ids_lst[i]}") conn.commit() cur.close() i += 1 except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def get_inactives(self): ############################################################################### # Connect to Mastodon's Postgres DB to get last six months inactive users ############################################################################### conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mastodon_db, user = self.mastodon_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select account_id, email, current_sign_in_at from users where current_sign_in_at < now() - interval '" + self.inactive_days + " days' and disabled=False and approved=True order by current_sign_in_at desc") rows = cur.fetchall() inactive_account_id = [] inactive_email = [] current_sign_in_at = [] for row in rows: inactive_account_id.append(row[0]) inactive_email.append(row[1]) current_sign_in_at.append(row[2]) cur.close() print(f'inactive accounts found: {len(inactive_account_id)}') return (inactive_account_id, inactive_email, current_sign_in_at) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def usernames(self, account_ids): ######################################################################################################## # get accounts usernames # ######################################################################################################## inactive_usernames = [] i = 0 while i < len(account_ids): conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mastodon_db, user = self.mastodon_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() inactive_id = account_ids[i] cur.execute("select username from accounts where id = '%s';", [inactive_id]) row = cur.fetchone() new_username = row[0] inactive_usernames.append(new_username) i += 1 cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() return inactive_usernames def mailing(self, account_ids, account_emails, account_usernames, account_current_sign_in_ats): ########################################################################################################### # email inactive users try: fp = open('message.txt') text = message = MIMEText(text) fp.close() except: print("message.txt file not found! Create it and write in the message you want for your inactive users.") sys.exit(0) i = 0 while i < len(account_emails): been_emailed = self.email_sent(self, account_ids[i]) if been_emailed == False: # Create message object instance msg = MIMEMultipart() # Declare message elements msg['From'] = self.smtp_user_login msg['To'] = account_emails[i] msg['Subject'] = account_usernames[i] + " " + self.email_subject # Add the message body to the object instance msg.attach(message) try: # Create the server connection server = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host) # Switch the connection over to TLS encryption server.starttls() # Authenticate with the server server.login(self.smtp_user_login, self.smtp_user_password) # Send the message server.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string()) # Disconnect server.quit() print("Successfully sent email message to %s" % msg['To']) emailed = True self.write_db(self,, account_ids[i], account_usernames[i], account_emails[i],, emailed, account_current_sign_in_ats[i]) i += 1 time.sleep(5) except SMTPAuthenticationError as auth_error: print(auth_error) sys.exit(":-(") except socket.gaierror as socket_error: print(socket_error) print("Unknown SMTP server") sys.exit(":-(") except SMTPRecipientsRefused as recip_error: print(recip_error) emailed = False self.write_db(self,, account_ids[i], account_usernames[i], account_emails[i],, emailed, account_current_sign_in_ats[i]) i += 1 else: emailed = True self.write_db(self,, account_ids[i], account_usernames[i], account_emails[i],, emailed, account_current_sign_in_ats[i]) i += 1 @staticmethod def write_db(self, now, id, username, email, emailed_at, emailed, current_sign_in_at): ################################################################################### # write to mailing database the status of inactive users insert_line = "INSERT INTO " + self.mailing_db_table + "(datetime, account_id, username, email, emailed_at, emailed, current_sign_in_at) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mailing_db, user = self.mailing_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT account_id FROM " + self.mailing_db_table + " where account_id=(%s)", (id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row == None: cur.execute(insert_line, (now, id, username, email, now, emailed, current_sign_in_at)) else: if emailed == True: cur.execute("SELECT datetime FROM " + self.mailing_db_table + " where account_id=(%s)", (id,)) row = cur.fetchone() delta = now-row[0] cur.execute("UPDATE " + self.mailing_db_table + " SET elapsed_days=(%s), email=(%s), emailed=(%s), current_sign_in_at=(%s) where account_id=(%s)", (delta.days, email, emailed, current_sign_in_at, id)) print(f"Updating user {str(id)}") conn.commit() cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() @staticmethod def email_sent(self, account_id): ############################################################################### # check if inactive user had been already emailed been_emailed = False conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mailing_db, user = self.mailing_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT emailed FROM " + self.mailing_db_table + " where account_id=(%s)", (account_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: been_emailed = row[0] cur.close() return been_emailed except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() @staticmethod def check_alive(self, id): conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = self.mastodon_db, user = self.mastodon_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select current_sign_in_at from users where account_id=(%s)", (id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: seen = row[0] else: seen = None cur.close() return seen except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error)