From 340dc4182868255f90c4bf4b39f2f2ca57749792 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: spla Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 18:12:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Change file name to standard --- locales/ca.txt | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ locales/en.txt | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 96 insertions(+) create mode 100644 locales/ca.txt create mode 100644 locales/en.txt diff --git a/locales/ca.txt b/locales/ca.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c23c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/ca.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +search_end: fi +search_move: mou +search_new: nova +search_games: jocs +search_send: envia +new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperant jugador... +playing_with: jugues amb +your_turn: el teu torn +game_name: partida +chess_hashtag: #escacs +send_error: error al enviar les anotacions :-( +game_number_anotations: les anotacions de la partida n. +anotations_sent: enviades amb èxit! +game_no_exists: la partida n. +it_not_exists: no existeix... +game_already_started: ja tenies iniciada una partida! +wait_other_player: espera l'altre jugador +is_not_legal_move: és un moviment il·legal. Torna a tirar. +check_done: t'ha fet escac! +check_mate: Escac i mat! (en +check_mate_movements: moviments) +the_winner_is: El guanyador és: +well_done: ben jugat! +winned_games: Partides guanyades: +wins_of_many: de +lost_piece: * has perdut +not_legal_move_str: moviment il·legal! +player_leave_game: ha deixat la partida amb +leave_waiting_game: has abandonat la partida en espera. +started_games: partides iniciades: +game_is_waiting: en espera... +game_is_on_going: (en joc) +no_on_going_games: cap partida en joc +is_not_your_turn: no és el teu torn. +is_the_turn_of: és el torn de +pawn_piece: un peó +knight_piece: un cavall +bishop_piece: l'alfil +rook_piece: una torre +queen_piece: la Dama +king_piece: el Rei +pawn_piece_letter: P +knight_piece_letter: C +bishop_piece_letter: A +rook_piece_letter: T +queen_piece_letter: D +king_piece_letter: R +email_subject: Anotacions partida n. diff --git a/locales/en.txt b/locales/en.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..508e755 --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/en.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +search_end: end +search_move: move +search_new: new +search_games: games +search_send: send +new_game_started: game started! Waiting for the second player... +playing_with: you play with +your_turn: it's your turn +game_name: game +chess_hashtag: #chess +send_error: sending anotations error :-( +game_number_anotations: the anotations of game n. +anotations_sent: succesfully sent! +game_no_exists: the game n. +it_not_exists: don't exists... +game_already_started: you already started a game! +wait_other_player: wait for the second player +is_not_legal_move: is not a legal move. Play again. +check_done: you are in check! +check_mate: it's a checkmate! (in +check_mate_movements: moves) +the_winner_is: The winner is: +well_done: well done! +winned_games: Won games: +wins_of_many: of +lost_piece: * you have lost +not_legal_move_str: not a legal move! +player_leave_game: has left the game with +leave_waiting_game: you have left the game in hold. +started_games: started games: +game_is_waiting: on hold... +game_is_on_going: (on going) +no_on_going_games: no games +is_not_your_turn: it's not your turn. +is_the_turn_of: it's the turn of +pawn_piece: a pawn +knight_piece: one knight +bishop_piece: one bishop +rook_piece: a rook +queen_piece: the Queen +king_piece: the King +pawn_piece_letter: P +knight_piece_letter: N +bishop_piece_letter: B +rook_piece_letter: R +queen_piece_letter: Q +king_piece_letter: K +email_subject: Anotations of game n.