Fix #11. Count games with moves > 0 only

This commit is contained in:
spla 2020-12-05 16:06:55 +01:00
pare 02f2ae6e69
commit 6641fad072
S'han modificat 1 arxius amb 1 adicions i 1 eliminacions

Veure arxiu

@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ def get_stats(player):
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select count(*) from stats where white_user = (%s) or black_user = (%s) and finished", (player, player))
cur.execute("select count(*) from games where (white_user = (%s) or black_user = (%s)) and finished and moves > 0", (player, player))
row = cur.fetchone()