Moved games, anotations and locales dirs to app/

This commit is contained in:
spla 2020-11-30 09:52:16 +01:00
pare 3352f7de3c
commit 8e97d40526
S'han modificat 3 arxius amb 0 adicions i 174 eliminacions

Veure arxiu

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
search_end: fi
search_move: mou
search_new: nova
search_games: jocs
search_send: envia
search_help: ajuda
new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperant jugador...
playing_with: jugues amb
your_turn: el teu torn
game_name: partida
chess_hashtag: #escacs
send_error: error al enviar les anotacions :-(
game_number_anotations: les anotacions de la partida n.
anotations_sent: enviades amb èxit!
game_no_exists: la partida n.
cant_send_to_fediverse_account: per ara no és possible :-(
it_not_exists: no existeix...
game_already_started: ja tenies iniciada una partida!
wait_other_player: espera l'altre jugador
is_not_legal_move: és un moviment il·legal. Torna a tirar.
check_done: t'ha fet escac!
check_mate: Escac i mat! (en
check_mate_movements: moviments)
the_winner_is: El guanyador és:
well_done: ben jugat!
winned_games: Partides guanyades:
wins_of_many: de
lost_piece: * has perdut
not_legal_move_str: moviment il·legal!
player_leave_game: ha deixat la partida amb
leave_waiting_game: has abandonat la partida en espera.
started_games: partides iniciades:
game_is_waiting: en espera...
game_is_on_going: (en joc)
no_on_going_games: cap partida en joc
is_not_your_turn: no és el teu torn.
is_the_turn_of: és el torn de
pawn_piece: un peó
knight_piece: un cavall
bishop_piece: l'alfil
rook_piece: una torre
queen_piece: la Dama
king_piece: el Rei
pawn_piece_letter: P
knight_piece_letter: C
bishop_piece_letter: A
rook_piece_letter: T
queen_piece_letter: D
king_piece_letter: R
email_subject: Anotacions partida n.
start_or_join_a_new_game: nova (iniciar partida o unirse a una en espera)
move_a_piece: mou e2e3 (per exemple)
leave_a_game: fi (per a deixar la partida en qualsevol moment)
list_games: jocs (mostra un llistat de partides actives)
get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 és el número de la partida. Envia les anotacions de la partida per correu electrònic, només usuaris del servidor local)
show_help: ajuda (mostra aquesta ajuda i, per tant, és l'ajuda de l'ajuda)

Veure arxiu

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
search_end: end
search_move: move
search_new: new
search_games: games
search_send: send
search_help: help
new_game_started: game started! Waiting for the second player...
playing_with: you play with
your_turn: it's your turn
game_name: game
chess_hashtag: #chess
send_error: sending anotations error :-(
game_number_anotations: the anotations of game n.
anotations_sent: succesfully sent!
game_no_exists: the game n.
cant_send_to_fediverse_account: not possible yet :-(
it_not_exists: don't exists...
game_already_started: you already started a game!
wait_other_player: wait for the second player
is_not_legal_move: is not a legal move. Play again.
check_done: you are in check!
check_mate: it's a checkmate! (in
check_mate_movements: moves)
the_winner_is: The winner is:
well_done: well done!
winned_games: Won games:
wins_of_many: of
lost_piece: * you have lost
not_legal_move_str: not a legal move!
player_leave_game: has left the game with
leave_waiting_game: you have left the game in hold.
started_games: started games:
game_is_waiting: on hold...
game_is_on_going: (on going)
no_on_going_games: no games
is_not_your_turn: it's not your turn.
is_the_turn_of: it's the turn of
pawn_piece: a pawn
knight_piece: one knight
bishop_piece: one bishop
rook_piece: a rook
queen_piece: the Queen
king_piece: the King
pawn_piece_letter: P
knight_piece_letter: N
bishop_piece_letter: B
rook_piece_letter: R
queen_piece_letter: Q
king_piece_letter: K
email_subject: Anotations of game n.
start_or_join_a_new_game: new (start a new game or join a waiting one)
move_a_piece: move e2e3 (in ex.)
leave_a_game: end (to leave the game any time)
list_games: games (show an on going games list)
get_a_game_anotation: send 1 (1 is the game number. It send the game's anotations by email but local users only)
show_help: help (show this help so, it's the help of the help)

Veure arxiu

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
search_end: fin
search_move: mueve
search_new: nueva
search_games: partidas
search_send: envia
search_help: ayuda
new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperando jugador...
playing_with: juegas con
your_turn: tu turno
game_name: partida
chess_hashtag: #ajedrez
send_error: error al enviar las anotaciones :-(
game_number_anotations: las anotaciones de la partida n.
anotations_sent: enviades con éxito!
game_no_exists: la partida n.
cant_send_to_fediverse_account: por ahora no es posible :-(
it_not_exists: no existe...
game_already_started: ja tenias iniciada una partida!
wait_other_player: espera al otro jugador
is_not_legal_move: es un movimiento ilegal. Vuelve a tirar.
check_done: te ha echo jaque!
check_mate: Jaque mate! (en
check_mate_movements: movimientos)
the_winner_is: El ganador es:
well_done: bien jugado!
winned_games: Partidas ganadas:
wins_of_many: de
lost_piece: * has perdido
not_legal_move_str: movimiento ilegal!
player_leave_game: ha dejado la partida con
leave_waiting_game: has abandonado la partida en espera.
started_games: partidas iniciadas:
game_is_waiting: en espera...
game_is_on_going: (en juego)
no_on_going_games: ninguna partida en juego
is_not_your_turn: no es tu turno.
is_the_turn_of: es el turno de
pawn_piece: un peón
knight_piece: un caballo
bishop_piece: el alfil
rook_piece: una torre
queen_piece: la Dama
king_piece: el Rey
pawn_piece_letter: P
knight_piece_letter: C
bishop_piece_letter: A
rook_piece_letter: T
queen_piece_letter: D
king_piece_letter: R
email_subject: Anotaciones partida n.
start_or_join_a_new_game: nueva (empezar una partida o unirse a una en espera)
move_a_piece: mueve e2e3 (por ejemplo)
leave_a_game: fin (para dejar la partida en cualquier momento)
list_games: partidas (muestra un listado de partidas activas)
get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 es el número de la partida. Envia las anotaciones de la partida pedida por correo electrónico pero sólo a usuarios del servidor local)
show_help: ayuda (muestra esta ayuda y, por tanto, es la ayuda de la ayuda)