search_end: end search_move: move search_new: new search_games: games search_send: send new_game_started: game started! Waiting for the second player... playing_with: you play with your_turn: it's your turn game_name: game chess_hashtag: #chess send_error: sending anotations error :-( game_number_anotations: the anotations of game n. anotations_sent: succesfully sent! game_no_exists: the game n. cant_send_to_fediverse_account: not possible yet :-( it_not_exists: don't exists... game_already_started: you already started a game! wait_other_player: wait for the second player is_not_legal_move: is not a legal move. Play again. check_done: you are in check! check_mate: it's a checkmate! (in check_mate_movements: moves) the_winner_is: The winner is: well_done: well done! winned_games: Won games: wins_of_many: of lost_piece: * you have lost not_legal_move_str: not a legal move! player_leave_game: has left the game with leave_waiting_game: you have left the game in hold. started_games: started games: game_is_waiting: on hold... game_is_on_going: (on going) no_on_going_games: no games is_not_your_turn: it's not your turn. is_the_turn_of: it's the turn of pawn_piece: a pawn knight_piece: one knight bishop_piece: one bishop rook_piece: a rook queen_piece: the Queen king_piece: the King pawn_piece_letter: P knight_piece_letter: N bishop_piece_letter: B rook_piece_letter: R queen_piece_letter: Q king_piece_letter: K email_subject: Anotations of game n.