# Mastodon Chess Play with other fediverse users a Chess game! Mastodon Chess control games, players and boards and even it post, graphically, every move to both players! Mastodon Chess (mastochess) uses [python-chess](https://python-chess.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) library. ### How to play: To start a game: @your_bot_username new To make a move: @your_bot_username move e2e4 To finish game at any time: @your_bot_username end To list on going games: @your_bot_username games ### Dependencies - **Python 3** - Postgresql server - Mastodon's bot account - [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org) server admin ### Usage: Within Python Virtual Environment: 1. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install needed Python libraries. 2. Run `python db-setup.py` to setup and create new Postgresql database and needed tables in it. 3. Run `python setup.py` to get your Mastodon's bot account tokens. 4. Use your favourite scheduling method to set `python mastochess.py` to run regularly. ![board](board.png) 20.11.2020 - New feature! added link to on going games in games list