# mastotuit Publish automagically to Twitter all your Mastodon posts! ### Dependencies - **Python 3** - Postgresql server - Mastodon user account - Your personal Linux driven PC or laptop ### Usage: Within Python Virtual Environment: 1. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install needed libraries. 2. Run `python db-setup.py` to setup and create new Postgresql database and needed table in it and setup your Mastodon's account RSS feed in the format 'https://your.mastodon.server/@your_user.rss' 3. Run `python setup.py` to input and save your Twitter's key and access tokens. You can get your keys and tokens from [Twitter Developer Platform](https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply/user.html) 4. Use your favourite scheduling method to set `python mastotuit.py` to run every minute. 29.9.2021 **New Feature** Added support to media files! mastotuit now gets all media files from Mastodon's post (if any) and publish them to Twitter together with your status update.