The creation of a new user from CLI gives administration power even if the is_admin=false parameter is used #1

oberta 2023-05-15 13:57:13 +02:00 per spla · 1 comment
php artisan user:create --name=whatever --username=whatever --password=password --is_admin=false --confirm_email=true
``` php artisan user:create --name=whatever --username=whatever --password=password --is_admin=false --confirm_email=true
spla ha afegit l'etiqueta
2023-05-15 13:57:57 +02:00
spla s'ha auto assignat aquest 2023-05-15 13:58:04 +02:00

If is_admin param is not passed it works as expected, new user is a regular user.
In example:

php artisan user:create --name=whatever1 --username=whatever1 --password=password --confirm_email=true
If `is_admin` param is not passed it works as expected, new user is a regular user. In example: ``` php artisan user:create --name=whatever1 --username=whatever1 --password=password --confirm_email=true
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