import os from mastodon import Mastodon import psycopg2 import sys import time import requests import shutil import tweepy from tweepy.errors import ( BadRequest, Forbidden, HTTPException, TooManyRequests, TwitterServerError, Unauthorized ) from tweepy import TweepyException import logging import pdb logger = logging.getLogger() def load_bots(): bot_id_lst = [] hostname_lst = [] username_lst = [] client_id_lst = [] client_secret_lst = [] client_token_lst = [] sql = 'select bot_id, hostname, username, client_id, client_secret, client_token from maccounts' try: conn = None conn = psycopg2.connect(database = replicator_db, user = replicator_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: bot_id_lst.append(row[0]) hostname_lst.append(row[1]) username_lst.append(row[2]) client_id_lst.append(row[3]) client_secret_lst.append(row[4]) client_token_lst.append(row[5]) cur.close() return(bot_id_lst, hostname_lst, username_lst, client_id_lst, client_secret_lst, client_token_lst) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def get_tusername(bot_id): t_username = '' sql = 'select username from taccounts where bot_id=(%s)' try: conn = None conn = psycopg2.connect(database = replicator_db, user = replicator_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (bot_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row != 0: t_username = row[0] cur.close() return(t_username) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def parse_url(toot_text): sub_str = 'http' find_link = toot_text.find(sub_str) if find_link != -1: tuit_text = toot_text[:toot_text.index(sub_str)] else: tuit_text = toot_text return tuit_text def get_toot_id(tweet_id): toot_id = 0 try: conn = None conn = psycopg2.connect(database = replicator_db, user = replicator_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('select toot_id, tweet_id from id where tweet_id=(%s)', (tweet_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: toot_id = row[0] cur.close() return(toot_id) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def write_db(toot_id, tweet_id): sql_insert_ids = 'INSERT INTO id(toot_id, tweet_id) VALUES (%s,%s)' conn = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database = replicator_db, user = replicator_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql_insert_ids, (toot_id, tweet_id)) conn.commit() cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def write_image(image_url): if not os.path.exists('images'): os.makedirs('images') filename = image_url.split("/") [-1] r = requests.get(image_url, stream = True) r.raw.decode_content = True with open('images/' + filename, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) return filename def oauth2(): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key, api_key_secret) try: apiv1 = tweepy.API(auth) logged_in = True print(f'\nTwitter API: authentication succesfull!\n') except Exception as e: logger.error("Error creating API", exc_info=True) raise e"API created") return (apiv1, logged_in) def mastodon_log_in(id, secret, token, hostname): # Initialise Mastodon API mastodon = Mastodon( client_id=id, client_secret=secret, access_token=token, api_base_url='https://' + hostname, ) # Initialise access headers headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s'%token} return (mastodon) def db_config(): # Load db configuration from config file db_config_filepath = "config/db_config.txt" replicator_db = get_parameter("replicator_db", db_config_filepath) replicator_db_user = get_parameter("replicator_db_user", db_config_filepath) return (replicator_db, replicator_db_user) def twitter_config(): sql = 'select api_key, api_key_secret from tsecrets' try: conn = None conn = psycopg2.connect(database = replicator_db, user = replicator_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: api_key = row[0] api_key_secret = row[1] cur.close() return(api_key, api_key_secret) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() def get_parameter( parameter, file_path ): # Check if secrets file exists if not os.path.isfile(file_path): print("File %s not found, exiting."%file_path) sys.exit(0) # Find parameter in file with open( file_path ) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith( parameter ): return line.replace(parameter + ":", "").strip() # Cannot find parameter, exit print(file_path + " Missing parameter %s "%parameter) sys.exit(0) # main if __name__ == '__main__': replicator_db, replicator_db_user = db_config() bot_id_lst, hostname_lst, username_lst, client_id_lst, client_secret_lst, client_token_lst = load_bots() logged_in = False api_key, api_key_secret = twitter_config() i = 0 while i < len(bot_id_lst): mastodon = mastodon_log_in(client_id_lst[i], client_secret_lst[i], client_token_lst[i], hostname_lst[i]) t_username = get_tusername(bot_id_lst[i]) # check new tweets if not logged_in: apiv1, logged_in = oauth2() try: print(f'Checking {t_username} for new tweets') user_id = apiv1.get_user(screen_name=t_username).id user_tweets = apiv1.user_timeline(user_id=user_id, tweet_mode='extended') except tweepy.errors.Unauthorized as non_auth_error: sys.exit(f'\n{non_auth_error}\n\nCheck your Twitter API key & secret!') except tweepy.errors.TweepyException as tweepy_exception: sys.exit(f'\n{tweepy_exception}') for tweet in reversed(user_tweets): if not tweet.retweeted and tweet.entities['user_mentions'] == []: tweet_id = toot_id = get_toot_id(tweet_id) if toot_id == 0: print(f'tweet id: {}, {tweet.full_text}') is_reply = False is_media = False toot_text = tweet.full_text if tweet.in_reply_to_status_id != None and tweet.in_reply_to_user_id == user_id: tweet_reply_id = tweet.in_reply_to_status_id reply_toot_id = get_toot_id(tweet_reply_id) if reply_toot_id != 0: is_reply = True else: reply_toot_id = None else: reply_toot_id = None if 'media' in tweet.entities: is_media = True toot_text = toot_text.replace(tweet.entities['media'][0]['url'],'') images_id_lst = [] media_qty = len(tweet.entities['media']) i = 0 while i < media_qty: media_url = tweet.entities['media'][0]['media_url'] image_filename = write_image(media_url) image_id = mastodon.media_post('images/'+ image_filename, "image/png", description='twitter image').id images_id_lst.append(image_id) i += 1 if len(tweet.entities['urls']) > 0: toot_text = parse_url(toot_text) url = tweet.entities['urls'][0]['expanded_url'] toot_text = f'{toot_text}\n{url}' toot_id = mastodon.status_post(toot_text, in_reply_to_id=reply_toot_id, media_ids=images_id_lst if is_media else None).id write_db(toot_id, tweet_id) time.sleep(2) i += 1 print('Done.')