from app.libraries.setup import Setup from app.libraries.database import Database from mastodon import Mastodon import subprocess import os import sys import os.path def switch_reg_mode(): result = False rvm_ruby = os.environ['HOME'] + "/.rbenv/shims/ruby" os.environ['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production' try: switch_mode =[ rvm_ruby, "bin/tootctl", "settings", "registrations", "approved" ], capture_output=True, cwd=setup.mastodon_path, env={'RAILS_ENV': 'production'}, check=True ) if switch_mode.returncode == 0: result = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: pass return result def get_data(notification, signups): notification_id = if notification.type != 'admin.sign_up': print(f'dismissing notification {notification_id}') mastodon.notifications_dismiss(notification_id) return signups account_id = username = notification.account.acct db.write_user(username) users = db.read_evo() db.update_evo(users + 1) signups = signups + 1 print(f'Dismissing notification {notification_id}') mastodon.notifications_dismiss(notification_id) return signups ############################################################################### # main if __name__ == '__main__': setup = Setup() db = Database() mastodon = Mastodon( access_token = setup.mastodon_app_token, api_base_url= setup.mastodon_hostname ) bot_notifications = mastodon.notifications() signups = 0 for notif in bot_notifications: signups = get_data(notif, signups) if signups >= int(setup.threshold): switched = switch_reg_mode() else: switched = False if switched: mastodon.status_post(f"This server is under spam attack (reached sign up threshold of {setup.threshold} per minute)\n,registration is now in approval mode", in_reply_to_id=None, ) sys.exit("This server is under spam attack (reached sign up threshold of {setup.threshold} per minute)\n,registration is now in approval mode")