from app.libraries.setup import Setup from app.libraries.database import Database from app.libraries.peers import Peers from app.libraries.nodeinfo import Nodeinfo from app.libraries.graphit import Graphit from mastodon import Mastodon import ray import pdb ray.init(num_cpus = 25) # Specify this system CPUs. @ray.remote def get_nodeinfo(server): server, api = db.get_nodeinfo_endpoint(server) try: server, soft, version, users, mau, alive = ndi.getdata(server, api) if soft != '': db.write_alive_server(server, soft, version, users, mau, alive) else: db.write_not_alive_server(server) except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': db = Database() setup = Setup() peers = Peers() ndi = Nodeinfo() mastodon = Mastodon( access_token = setup.mastodon_app_token, api_base_url= setup.mastodon_hostname ) saved_servers = db.get_saved_servers() ray.get([get_nodeinfo.remote(server) for server in saved_servers]) # get current total servers and users, get users from every software total_servers = 0 total_users = 0 soft_total_project, soft_total_users, soft_total_mau, soft_total_servers, total_servers, total_users, total_mau = db.soft_totals() # get last check values and write current total ones evo_servers, evo_users, evo_mau = db.last_values(total_servers, total_users, total_mau) # write evo values db.write_evo(evo_servers, evo_users, evo_mau) graph = Graphit() # get max servers and mau graph.servers_max, graph.users_max, graph.mau_max = db.max() # get plots graph.servers, graph.users, graph.mau, graph.global_day, graph.global_servers, graph.global_users, graph.global_mau = db.get_plots() graph.generate() ############################################################################### # P O S T ! post_text = "#fediverse alive stats" + " \n" post_text += "\n" if evo_servers >= 0: post_text += "servers: " + str(f"{total_servers:,}") + " (+"+ str(f"{evo_servers:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.servers_max:,}") + ")\n" elif evo_servers < 0: post_text += "servers: " + str(f"{total_servers:,}") + " ("+ str(f"{evo_servers:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.servers_max:,}") + ")\n" if evo_users >= 0: post_text += "users: " + str(f"{total_users:,}") + " (+"+ str(f"{evo_users:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.users_max:,}") + ")\n" elif evo_users < 0: post_text += "users: " + str(f"{total_users:,}") + " ("+ str(f"{evo_users:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.users_max:,}") + ")\n" if evo_mau >= 0: post_text += "MAU: " + str(f"{total_mau:,}") + " (+"+ str(f"{evo_mau:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.mau_max:,}") + ")\n" elif evo_mau < 0: post_text += "MAU: " + str(f"{total_mau:,}") + " ("+ str(f"{evo_mau:,}") + ", max: " + str(f"{graph.mau_max:,}") + "\n" post_text += "\ntop five projects (users / MAU / servers):\n\n" i = 0 while i < 5: project_soft = soft_total_project[i] project_mau = soft_total_mau[i] project_users = soft_total_users[i] project_servers = soft_total_servers[i] len_pr_soft = len(project_soft) if project_soft == 'activity-relay': project_soft = 'activityrelay' post_text += f":{project_soft}: {project_users:,} / {project_mau:,} / {project_servers:,}\n" i += 1 print("Tooting...") print(post_text) servers_image_id = mastodon.media_post('app/graphs/global_servers.png', "image/png", description='servers graph').id users_image_id = mastodon.media_post('app/graphs/global_users.png', "image/png", description='users graph').id mau_image_id = mastodon.media_post('app/graphs/global_mau.png', "image/png", description='mau graph').id mastodon.status_post(post_text, in_reply_to_id=None, media_ids={servers_image_id, users_image_id, mau_image_id})