# viquiCAT viquiCAT is a Wikipedia bot that reply queries to fediverse users from its related Mastodon's server account. Query the bot is this easy: ``wikipedia_bot_account consulta ` The bot will add the new added blog to its database and start posting its entries. ### Dependencies - **Python 3** - Mastodon's bot account ### Usage: 1. Clone this repo: `git clone https://gitlab.com/spla/viquicat.git ` 2. cd into your `` and create the Python Virtual Environment: `python3.x -m venv .` 3. Activate the Python Virtual Environment: `source bin/activate` 4. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install needed libraries. 5. Run `python setup.py` to setup the Mastodon bot account & access tokens. 6. Use your favourite scheduling method to set `python viquicat.py` to run every minute.