# Welcome This bot welcomes your Mastodon server new users and post registering evolution hourly, daily and weekly. ### Dependencies - **Python 3** - Postgresql server - Mastodon running server - Mastodon server's Bot account ### Usage: Within Python Virtual Environment: 1. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install needed libraries. 2. Run `python db-setup.py` to setup and create new Postgresql database and needed tables in it. 3. Run `python setup.py` to get your bot's access token of your Mastodon server existing account. It will be saved to 'secrets/secrets.txt' for further use. 4. Run `python welcome.py` to check if ny new users and greet them and what is the registering evolution (hourly, daily, weekly). 5. Use your favourite scheduling method to set `python welcome.py` to run every minute.