This commit is contained in:
spla 2022-08-18 10:06:36 +02:00
pare d7ad1bbfa2
commit 51192fc668
S'han modificat 1 arxius amb 2 adicions i 2 eliminacions

Veure arxiu

@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ The bot will process any of the above keywords thanks to the wrapper for ejabber
- local_vhost: your local ejabberd vhost
- admin_account: the ejabberd admin account, in exemple admin@ejabberd.server
- admin_pass: ejabberd admin account password
- Akkoma hostname: in ex.
- Mastodon hostname: in ex.
- bot's replies language (ca or en)
# Requirements
- Mastodon server bot account
- xmpp ejabberd node with admin privileges
- xmpp Ejabberd local node with admin privileges
Before running `python`: