Subir archivos a 'utils/vadersentiment'

This commit is contained in:
bonobo 2024-08-22 00:28:11 +02:00
pare c6085d2bcf
commit a2c6225973
S'han modificat 5 arxius amb 24179 adicions i 0 eliminacions

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande Cargar Diff

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande Cargar Diff

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande Cargar Diff

Veure arxiu

@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
require_once "sentitext.php";
// (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for booster words)
// (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for using
// ALLCAPs to emphasize a word)
define("C_INCR", 0.733);
define("N_SCALAR", -0.74);
// for removing punctuation
//REGEX_REMOVE_PUNCTUATION = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
const NEGATE = ["aint", "arent", "cannot", "cant", "couldnt", "darent", "didnt", "doesnt",
"ain't", "aren't", "can't", "couldn't", "daren't", "didn't", "doesn't",
"dont", "hadnt", "hasnt", "havent", "isnt", "mightnt", "mustnt", "neither",
"don't", "hadn't", "hasn't", "haven't", "isn't", "mightn't", "mustn't",
"neednt", "needn't", "never", "none", "nope", "nor", "not", "nothing", "nowhere",
"oughtnt", "shant", "shouldnt", "uhuh", "wasnt", "werent",
"oughtn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "uh-uh", "wasn't", "weren't",
"without", "wont", "wouldnt", "won't", "wouldn't", "rarament", "seldom", "malgrat"];
//booster/dampener 'intensifiers' or 'degree adverbs'
const BOOSTER_DICT = ["completament"=> B_INCR, "amazingly"=> B_INCR, "awfully"=> B_INCR, "totalment"=> B_INCR, "considerablement"=> B_INCR,
"decididament"=> B_INCR, "profundament"=> B_INCR, "effing"=> B_INCR, "enormously"=> B_INCR,
"entirely"=> B_INCR, "especially"=> B_INCR, "exceptionally"=> B_INCR, "extremadament"=> B_INCR,
"fabulously"=> B_INCR, "flipping"=> B_INCR, "flippin"=> B_INCR,
"fricking"=> B_INCR, "frickin"=> B_INCR, "frigging"=> B_INCR, "friggin"=> B_INCR, "fully"=> B_INCR, "fucking"=> B_INCR,
"greatly"=> B_INCR, "hella"=> B_INCR, "highly"=> B_INCR, "hugely"=> B_INCR, "incredibly"=> B_INCR,
"intensely"=> B_INCR, "majorly"=> B_INCR, "more"=> B_INCR, "most"=> B_INCR, "particularly"=> B_INCR,
"purely"=> B_INCR, "quite"=> B_INCR, "really"=> B_INCR, "remarkably"=> B_INCR,
"so"=> B_INCR, "substantially"=> B_INCR,
"thoroughly"=> B_INCR, "totalment"=> B_INCR, "tremendously"=> B_INCR,
"uber"=> B_INCR, "unbelievably"=> B_INCR, "inusualment"=> B_INCR, "utterly"=> B_INCR,
"molt"=> B_INCR,
"almost"=> B_DECR, "barely"=> B_DECR, "hardly"=> B_DECR, "just enough"=> B_DECR,
"kind of"=> B_DECR, "kinda"=> B_DECR, "kindof"=> B_DECR, "kind-of"=> B_DECR,
"less"=> B_DECR, "little"=> B_DECR, "marginally"=> B_DECR, "occasionally"=> B_DECR, "partly"=> B_DECR,
"scarcely"=> B_DECR, "slightly"=> B_DECR, "somewhat"=> B_DECR,
"sort of"=> B_DECR, "sorta"=> B_DECR, "sortof"=> B_DECR, "sort-of"=> B_DECR];
// check for special case idioms using a sentiment-laden keyword known to SAGE
const SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS = ["the shit"=> 3, "the bomb"=> 3, "bad ass"=> 1.5, "yeah right"=> -2,
"cut the mustard"=> 2, "kiss of death"=> -1.5, "hand to mouth"=> -2, "borinot" -> -2];
##Static methods##
Normalize the score to be between -1 and 1 using an alpha that
approximates the max expected value
function normalize($score, $alpha=15){
$norm_score = $score/sqrt(($score*$score) + $alpha);
return $norm_score;
Give a sentiment intensity score to sentences.
class SentimentIntensityAnalyzer{
private $lexicon_file = "";
private $lexicon = "";
private $current_sentitext = null;
function __construct($lexicon_file="vader_sentiment_lexicon_cat.txt"){
//Not sure about this as it forces lexicon file to be in the same directory as executing script
$this->lexicon_file = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/" . $lexicon_file;
$this->lexicon = $this->make_lex_dict();
Determine if input contains negation words
function IsNegated($wordToTest, $include_nt=true){
return true;
if ($include_nt) {
if (strpos($wordToTest,"n't")){
return true;
return false;
Convert lexicon file to a dictionary
function make_lex_dict(){
$lex_dict = [];
$fp = fopen($this->lexicon_file,"r");
die("Cannot load lexicon file");
while (($line = fgets($fp, 4096)) !== false) {
list($word, $measure) = explode("\t",trim($line));
$lex_dict[$word] = $measure;
//lex_dict[word] = float(measure)
return $lex_dict;
private function IsKindOf($firstWord,$secondWord){
return "kind" === strtolower($firstWord) && "of" === strtolower($secondWord);
private function IsBoosterWord($word){
return array_key_exists(strtolower($word),BOOSTER_DICT);
private function getBoosterScaler($word){
return BOOSTER_DICT[strtolower($word)];
private function IsInLexicon($word){
$lowercase = strtolower($word);
return array_key_exists($lowercase,$this->lexicon);
private function IsUpperCaseWord($word){
return ctype_upper($word);
private function getValenceFromLexicon($word){
return $this->lexicon[strtolower($word)];
private function getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext){
return $wordInContext[count($wordInContext)-1];
Gets the precedding two words to check for emphasis
private function getWordInContext($wordList,$currentWordPosition){
$precedingWordList =[];
//push the actual word on to the context list
//If the word position is greater than 2 then we know we are not going to overflow
return $precedingWordList;
Return a float for sentiment strength based on the input text.
Positive values are positive valence, negative value are negative
function getSentiment($text){
$this->current_sentitext = new SentiText($text);
$sentiments = [];
$words_and_emoticons = $this->current_sentitext->words_and_emoticons;
$valence = 0.0;
$wordBeingTested = $words_and_emoticons[$i];
//If this is a booster word add a 0 valances then go to next word as it does not express sentiment directly
/* if ($this->IsBoosterWord($wordBeingTested)){
echo "\t\tThe word is a booster word: setting sentiment to 0.0\n";
//If the word is not in the Lexicon then it does not express sentiment. So just ignore it.
//Special case because kind is in the lexicon so the modifier kind of needs to be skipped
if("kind" !=$words_and_emoticons[$i] && "of" != $words_and_emoticons[$i+1]){
$valence = $this->getValenceFromLexicon($wordBeingTested);
$wordInContext = $this->getWordInContext($words_and_emoticons,$i);
//If we are here then we have a word that enhance booster words
$valence = $this->adjustBoosterSentiment($wordInContext,$valence);
//Once we have a sentiment for each word adjust the sentimest if but is present
$sentiments = $this->_but_check($words_and_emoticons, $sentiments);
return $this->score_valence($sentiments, $text);
private function applyValenceCapsBoost($targetWord,$valence){
if($this->IsUpperCaseWord($targetWord) && $this->current_sentitext->is_cap_diff){
if($valence > 0){
$valence += C_INCR;
$valence -= C_INCR;
return $valence;
Check if the preceding words increase, decrease, or negate/nullify the
private function boosterScaleAdjustment($word, $valence){
$scalar = 0.0;
return $scalar;
$scalar = $this->getBoosterScaler($word);
if ($valence < 0){
$scalar *= -1;
//check if booster/dampener word is in ALLCAPS (while others aren't)
$scalar = $this->applyValenceCapsBoost($word,$scalar);
return $scalar;
// dampen the scalar modifier of preceding words and emoticons
// (excluding the ones that immediately preceed the item) based
// on their distance from the current item.
private function dampendBoosterScalerByPosition($booster,$position){
return $booster;
return $booster*0.95;
return $booster*0.9;
return $booster;
private function adjustBoosterSentiment($wordInContext,$valence){
//The target word is always the last word
$targetWord = $this->getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext);
//check if sentiment laden word is in ALL CAPS (while others aren't) and apply booster
$valence = $this->applyValenceCapsBoost($targetWord,$valence);
$valence = $this->modifyValenceBasedOnContext($wordInContext,$valence);
return $valence;
private function modifyValenceBasedOnContext($wordInContext,$valence){
$wordToTest = $this->getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext);
// continue;
$scalarValue = $this->boosterScaleAdjustment($wordInContext[$i], $valence);
$scalarValue = $this->dampendBoosterScalerByPosition($scalarValue,$i);
$valence = $valence+$scalarValue;
$valence = $this->_never_check($wordInContext, $valence);
$valence = $this->_idioms_check($wordInContext, $valence);
# future work: consider other sentiment-laden idioms
# other_idioms =
# {"back handed": -2, "blow smoke": -2, "blowing smoke": -2,
# "upper hand": 1, "break a leg": 2,
# "cooking with gas": 2, "in the black": 2, "in the red": -2,
# "on the ball": 2,"under the weather": -2}
$valence = $this->_least_check($wordInContext, $valence);
return $valence;
function _least_check($wordInContext, $valence){
# check for negation case using "least"
//if the previous word is least"
if(strtolower($wordInContext[2]) == "least"){
//but not "at least {word}" "very least {word}"
if (strtolower($wordInContext[1]) != "at" && strtolower($wordInContext[1]) != "very"){
$valence = $valence*N_SCALAR;
return $valence;
function _but_check($words_and_emoticons, $sentiments){
# check for modification in sentiment due to contrastive conjunction 'but'
$bi = array_search("but",$words_and_emoticons);
$bi = array_search("BUT",$words_and_emoticons);
$sentiments[$si] = $sentiments[$si]*0.5;
}elseif($si> $bi){
$sentiments[$si] = $sentiments[$si]*1.5;
return $sentiments;
function _idioms_check($wordInContext, $valence){
$onezero = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[3]);
$twoonezero = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[1],
$wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[3]);
$twoone = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[1], $wordInContext[2]);
$threetwoone = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[0],
$wordInContext[1], $wordInContext[2]);
$threetwo = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[0], $wordInContext[1]);
$zeroone = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[3], $wordInContext[2]);
$zeroonetwo = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[3], $wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[1]);
$sequences = [$onezero, $twoonezero, $twoone, $threetwoone, $threetwo];
foreach($sequences as $seq){
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($seq), SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$seq];
Positive idioms check. Not implementing it yet
if(count($words_and_emoticons)-1 > $i){
$zeroone = sprintf("%s %s",$words_and_emoticons[$i], $words_and_emoticons[$i+1]);
if (in_array($zeroone, SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$zeroone];
if(count($words_and_emoticons)-1 > $i+1){
$zeroonetwo = sprintf("%s %s %s",$words_and_emoticons[$i], $words_and_emoticons[$i+1], $words_and_emoticons[$i+2]);
if (in_array($zeroonetwo, SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$zeroonetwo];
// check for booster/dampener bi-grams such as 'sort of' or 'kind of'
if($this->IsBoosterWord($threetwo) || $this->IsBoosterWord($twoone)){
$valence = $valence+B_DECR;
return $valence;
function _never_check($wordInContext,$valance){
//If the sentiment word is preceded by never so/this we apply a modifier
$neverModifier = 0;
if("never" == $wordInContext[0]){
$neverModifier = 1.25;
}else if("never" == $wordInContext[1]){
$neverModifier = 1.5;
if("so" == $wordInContext[1] || "so"== $wordInContext[2] || "this" == $wordInContext[1] || "this" == $wordInContext[2]){
$valance *= $neverModifier;
//if any of the words in context are negated words apply negative scaler
foreach($wordInContext as $wordToCheck){
$valance *= B_DECR;
return $valance;
function _punctuation_emphasis($sum_s, $text){
# add emphasis from exclamation points and question marks
$ep_amplifier = $this->_amplify_ep($text);
$qm_amplifier = $this->_amplify_qm($text);
$punct_emph_amplifier = $ep_amplifier+$qm_amplifier;
return $punct_emph_amplifier;
function _amplify_ep($text){
# check for added emphasis resulting from exclamation points (up to 4 of them)
$ep_count = substr_count($text,"!");
if ($ep_count > 4){
$ep_count = 4;
# (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for
# exclamation points)
$ep_amplifier = $ep_count*0.292;
return $ep_amplifier;
function _amplify_qm($text){
# check for added emphasis resulting from question marks (2 or 3+)
$qm_count = substr_count ($text,"?");
$qm_amplifier = 0;
if ($qm_count > 1){
if ($qm_count <= 3){
# (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for
# question marks)
$qm_amplifier = $qm_count*0.18;
$qm_amplifier = 0.96;
return $qm_amplifier;
function _sift_sentiment_scores($sentiments){
# want separate positive versus negative sentiment scores
$pos_sum = 0.0;
$neg_sum = 0.0;
$neu_count = 0;
foreach($sentiments as $sentiment_score){
if($sentiment_score > 0){
$pos_sum += $sentiment_score +1; # compensates for neutral words that are counted as 1
if ($sentiment_score < 0){
$neg_sum += $sentiment_score -1; # when used with math.fabs(), compensates for neutrals
if ($sentiment_score == 0){
$neu_count += 1;
return [$pos_sum, $neg_sum, $neu_count];
function score_valence($sentiments, $text){
if ($sentiments){
$sum_s = array_sum($sentiments);
# compute and add emphasis from punctuation in text
$punct_emph_amplifier = $this->_punctuation_emphasis($sum_s, $text);
if ($sum_s > 0){
$sum_s += $punct_emph_amplifier;
elseif ($sum_s < 0){
$sum_s -= $punct_emph_amplifier;
$compound = normalize($sum_s);
# discriminate between positive, negative and neutral sentiment scores
list($pos_sum, $neg_sum, $neu_count) = $this->_sift_sentiment_scores($sentiments);
if ($pos_sum > abs($neg_sum)){
$pos_sum += $punct_emph_amplifier;
elseif ($pos_sum < abs($neg_sum)){
$neg_sum -= $punct_emph_amplifier;
$total = $pos_sum + abs($neg_sum) + $neu_count;
$pos =abs($pos_sum / $total);
$neg = abs($neg_sum / $total);
$neu = abs($neu_count / $total);
$compound = 0.0;
$pos = 0.0;
$neg = 0.0;
$neu = 0.0;
$sentiment_dict =
["neg" => round($neg, 3),
"neu" => round($neu, 3),
"pos" => round($pos, 3),
"compound" => round($compound, 4)];
return $sentiment_dict;

Veure arxiu

@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
require_once "sentitext_cat.php";
// (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for booster words)
// (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for using
// ALLCAPs to emphasize a word)
define("C_INCR", 0.733);
define("N_SCALAR", -0.74);
// for removing punctuation
//REGEX_REMOVE_PUNCTUATION = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
const NEGATE = ["no", "ca", "no puc", "no podria", "no vull", "darent", "no fer", "no faces",
"ain't", "aren't", "can't", "couldn't", "daren't", "didn't", "doesn't",
"dont", "hadnt", "hasnt", "havent", "isnt", "mightnt", "mustnt", "neither",
"don't", "hadn't", "hasn't", "haven't", "isn't", "mightn't", "mustn't",
"neednt", "needn't", "mai", "cap", "nope", "tampoc", "ni", "res de res", "res", "gens", "gens ni mica", "gens ni miqueta", "cap lloc",
"oughtnt", "shant", "shouldnt", "meck", "wasnt", "werent",
"oughtn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "uh-uh", "wasn't", "weren't",
"sense", "costum", "habit", "wouldnt", "won't", "wouldn't", "estrany", "raro", "seldom", "malgrat"];
//booster/dampener 'intensifiers' or 'degree adverbs'
const BOOSTER_DICT = ["completament"=> B_INCR, "sorprendentment"=> B_INCR, "horrible"=> B_INCR, "barbaritat"=> B_INCR, "considerable"=> B_INCR, "considerablement"=> B_INCR,
"decidit"=> B_INCR, "profundament"=> B_INCR, "maleit"=> B_INCR, "maleida"=> B_INCR, "enorme"=> B_INCR, "tot"=> B_INCR, "tota"=> B_INCR,
"completament"=> B_INCR, "especialment"=> B_INCR, "excepcionalment"=> B_INCR, "extremadament"=> B_INCR,
"fabulos"=> B_INCR, "condemnat"=> B_INCR, "molt"=> B_INCR,
"fotut"=> B_INCR, "frickin"=> B_INCR, "frigging"=> B_INCR, "friggin"=> B_INCR, "completament"=> B_INCR, "fucking"=> B_INCR,
"greatly"=> B_INCR, "hella"=> B_INCR, "highly"=> B_INCR, "enormement"=> B_INCR, "increible"=> B_INCR,
"intensament"=> B_INCR, "majoritariament"=> B_INCR, "mes"=> B_INCR, "major"=> B_INCR, "particular"=> B_INCR,
"estrictament"=> B_INCR, "simplement"=> B_INCR, "prou"=> B_INCR, "realment"=> B_INCR, "destacable"=> B_INCR,
"tan"=> B_INCR, "tant"=> B_INCR, "susbtancia"=> B_INCR, "en esència"=> B_INCR,
"thoroughly"=> B_INCR, "totalment"=> B_INCR, "tremendament"=> B_INCR,
"uber"=> B_INCR, "increible"=> B_INCR, "inusual"=> B_INCR, "utterly"=> B_INCR,
"molt"=> B_INCR, "prou"=> B_INCR,
"la major"=> B_DECR, "rarament"=> B_DECR, "difícil"=> B_DECR, "ja n'hi ha prou"=> B_DECR,
"tipus de"=> B_DECR, "kinda"=> B_DECR, "prou bò"=> B_DECR, "prou bona"=> B_INCR, "kind-of"=> B_DECR,
"menys"=> B_DECR, "menut"=> B_DECR, "marginal"=> B_DECR, "en ocasions"=> B_DECR, "en part"=> B_DECR,
"escasament"=> B_DECR, "lleugerament"=> B_DECR, "somewhat"=> B_DECR,
"tipus de"=> B_DECR, "sorta"=> B_DECR, "un poc"=> B_DECR, "sort-of"=> B_DECR];
// check for special case idioms using a sentiment-laden keyword known to SAGE
const SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS = ["quin goig"=> 3, "per menys"=> 3, "si clar"=> 1.5, "burro"=> -2, "burrot" => -2, "ruc" => -2,
"anda que"=> 2, "poca solta"=> -1.5, "quin poc trellat"=> -1.5, "anda calla"=> -2, "ni un"=> -2,
"la mare que els ha parit"=> -2, "no tenen vergonya"=> -2, "Enhorabona"=>3];
##Static methods##
Normalize the score to be between -1 and 1 using an alpha that
approximates the max expected value
function normalize($score, $alpha=15){
$norm_score = $score/sqrt(($score*$score) + $alpha);
return $norm_score;
Give a sentiment intensity score to sentences.
class SentimentIntensityAnalyzer{
private $lexicon_file = "";
private $lexicon = "";
private $current_sentitext = null;
function __construct($lexicon_file="vader_sentiment_lexicon_cat.txt"){
//Not sure about this as it forces lexicon file to be in the same directory as executing script
$this->lexicon_file = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/" . $lexicon_file;
$this->lexicon = $this->make_lex_dict();
Determine if input contains negation words
function IsNegated($wordToTest, $include_nt=true){
return true;
if ($include_nt) {
if (strpos($wordToTest,"n't")){
return true;
return false;
Convert lexicon file to a dictionary
function make_lex_dict(){
$lex_dict = [];
$fp = fopen($this->lexicon_file,"r");
die("Cannot load lexicon file");
while (($line = fgets($fp, 4096)) !== false) {
list($word, $measure) = explode("\t",trim($line));
$lex_dict[$word] = $measure;
//lex_dict[word] = float(measure)
return $lex_dict;
private function IsKindOf($firstWord,$secondWord){
return "tipus" === strtolower($firstWord) && "de" === strtolower($secondWord);
private function IsBoosterWord($word){
return array_key_exists(strtolower($word),BOOSTER_DICT);
private function getBoosterScaler($word){
return BOOSTER_DICT[strtolower($word)];
private function IsInLexicon($word){
$lowercase = strtolower($word);
return array_key_exists($lowercase,$this->lexicon);
private function IsUpperCaseWord($word){
return ctype_upper($word);
private function getValenceFromLexicon($word){
return $this->lexicon[strtolower($word)];
private function getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext){
return $wordInContext[count($wordInContext)-1];
Gets the precedding two words to check for emphasis
private function getWordInContext($wordList,$currentWordPosition){
$precedingWordList =[];
//push the actual word on to the context list
//If the word position is greater than 2 then we know we are not going to overflow
return $precedingWordList;
Return a float for sentiment strength based on the input text.
Positive values are positive valence, negative value are negative
function getSentiment($text){
$this->current_sentitext = new SentiText($text);
$sentiments = [];
$words_and_emoticons = $this->current_sentitext->words_and_emoticons;
$valence = 0.0;
$wordBeingTested = $words_and_emoticons[$i];
//If this is a booster word add a 0 valances then go to next word as it does not express sentiment directly
/* if ($this->IsBoosterWord($wordBeingTested)){
echo "\t\tThe word is a booster word: setting sentiment to 0.0\n";
//If the word is not in the Lexicon then it does not express sentiment. So just ignore it.
//Special case because kind is in the lexicon so the modifier kind of needs to be skipped
if("tipus" !=$words_and_emoticons[$i] && "de" != $words_and_emoticons[$i+1]){
$valence = $this->getValenceFromLexicon($wordBeingTested);
$wordInContext = $this->getWordInContext($words_and_emoticons,$i);
//If we are here then we have a word that enhance booster words
$valence = $this->adjustBoosterSentiment($wordInContext,$valence);
//Once we have a sentiment for each word adjust the sentimest if but is present
$sentiments = $this->_but_check($words_and_emoticons, $sentiments);
return $this->score_valence($sentiments, $text);
private function applyValenceCapsBoost($targetWord,$valence){
if($this->IsUpperCaseWord($targetWord) && $this->current_sentitext->is_cap_diff){
if($valence > 0){
$valence += C_INCR;
$valence -= C_INCR;
return $valence;
Check if the preceding words increase, decrease, or negate/nullify the
private function boosterScaleAdjustment($word, $valence){
$scalar = 0.0;
return $scalar;
$scalar = $this->getBoosterScaler($word);
if ($valence < 0){
$scalar *= -1;
//check if booster/dampener word is in ALLCAPS (while others aren't)
$scalar = $this->applyValenceCapsBoost($word,$scalar);
return $scalar;
// dampen the scalar modifier of preceding words and emoticons
// (excluding the ones that immediately preceed the item) based
// on their distance from the current item.
private function dampendBoosterScalerByPosition($booster,$position){
return $booster;
return $booster*0.95;
return $booster*0.9;
return $booster;
private function adjustBoosterSentiment($wordInContext,$valence){
//The target word is always the last word
$targetWord = $this->getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext);
//check if sentiment laden word is in ALL CAPS (while others aren't) and apply booster
$valence = $this->applyValenceCapsBoost($targetWord,$valence);
$valence = $this->modifyValenceBasedOnContext($wordInContext,$valence);
return $valence;
private function modifyValenceBasedOnContext($wordInContext,$valence){
$wordToTest = $this->getTargetWordFromContext($wordInContext);
// continue;
$scalarValue = $this->boosterScaleAdjustment($wordInContext[$i], $valence);
$scalarValue = $this->dampendBoosterScalerByPosition($scalarValue,$i);
$valence = $valence+$scalarValue;
$valence = $this->_never_check($wordInContext, $valence);
$valence = $this->_idioms_check($wordInContext, $valence);
# future work: consider other sentiment-laden idioms
# other_idioms =
# {"back handed": -2, "blow smoke": -2, "blowing smoke": -2,
# "upper hand": 1, "break a leg": 2,
# "cooking with gas": 2, "in the black": 2, "in the red": -2,
# "on the ball": 2,"under the weather": -2}
$valence = $this->_least_check($wordInContext, $valence);
return $valence;
function _least_check($wordInContext, $valence){
# check for negation case using "least"
//if the previous word is least"
if(strtolower($wordInContext[2]) == "sense importància"){
//but not "at least {word}" "very least {word}"
if (strtolower($wordInContext[1]) != "a" && strtolower($wordInContext[1]) != "molt"){
$valence = $valence*N_SCALAR;
return $valence;
function _but_check($words_and_emoticons, $sentiments){
# check for modification in sentiment due to contrastive conjunction 'però'
$bi = array_search("pero",$words_and_emoticons);
$bi = array_search("PERO",$words_and_emoticons);
$sentiments[$si] = $sentiments[$si]*0.5;
}elseif($si> $bi){
$sentiments[$si] = $sentiments[$si]*1.5;
return $sentiments;
function _idioms_check($wordInContext, $valence){
$onezero = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[3]);
$twoonezero = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[1],
$wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[3]);
$twoone = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[1], $wordInContext[2]);
$threetwoone = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[0],
$wordInContext[1], $wordInContext[2]);
$threetwo = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[0], $wordInContext[1]);
$zeroone = sprintf("%s %s",$wordInContext[3], $wordInContext[2]);
$zeroonetwo = sprintf("%s %s %s",$wordInContext[3], $wordInContext[2], $wordInContext[1]);
$sequences = [$onezero, $twoonezero, $twoone, $threetwoone, $threetwo];
foreach($sequences as $seq){
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($seq), SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$seq];
Positive idioms check. Not implementing it yet
if(count($words_and_emoticons)-1 > $i){
$zeroone = sprintf("%s %s",$words_and_emoticons[$i], $words_and_emoticons[$i+1]);
if (in_array($zeroone, SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$zeroone];
if(count($words_and_emoticons)-1 > $i+1){
$zeroonetwo = sprintf("%s %s %s",$words_and_emoticons[$i], $words_and_emoticons[$i+1], $words_and_emoticons[$i+2]);
if (in_array($zeroonetwo, SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS)){
$valence = SPECIAL_CASE_IDIOMS[$zeroonetwo];
// check for booster/dampener bi-grams such as 'sort of' or 'kind of'
if($this->IsBoosterWord($threetwo) || $this->IsBoosterWord($twoone)){
$valence = $valence+B_DECR;
return $valence;
function _never_check($wordInContext,$valance){
//If the sentiment word is preceded by never so/this we apply a modifier
$neverModifier = 0;
if("mai" == $wordInContext[0]){
$neverModifier = 1.25;
}else if("mai" == $wordInContext[1]){
$neverModifier = 1.5;
if("aixi" == $wordInContext[1] || "aixi"== $wordInContext[2] || "este" == $wordInContext[1] || "este" == $wordInContext[2]){
$valance *= $neverModifier;
//if any of the words in context are negated words apply negative scaler
foreach($wordInContext as $wordToCheck){
$valance *= B_DECR;
return $valance;
function _punctuation_emphasis($sum_s, $text){
# add emphasis from exclamation points and question marks
$ep_amplifier = $this->_amplify_ep($text);
$qm_amplifier = $this->_amplify_qm($text);
$punct_emph_amplifier = $ep_amplifier+$qm_amplifier;
return $punct_emph_amplifier;
function _amplify_ep($text){
# check for added emphasis resulting from exclamation points (up to 4 of them)
$ep_count = substr_count($text,"!");
if ($ep_count > 4){
$ep_count = 4;
# (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for
# exclamation points)
$ep_amplifier = $ep_count*0.292;
return $ep_amplifier;
function _amplify_qm($text){
# check for added emphasis resulting from question marks (2 or 3+)
$qm_count = substr_count ($text,"?");
$qm_amplifier = 0;
if ($qm_count > 1){
if ($qm_count <= 3){
# (empirically derived mean sentiment intensity rating increase for
# question marks)
$qm_amplifier = $qm_count*0.18;
$qm_amplifier = 0.96;
return $qm_amplifier;
function _sift_sentiment_scores($sentiments){
# want separate positive versus negative sentiment scores
$pos_sum = 0.0;
$neg_sum = 0.0;
$neu_count = 0;
foreach($sentiments as $sentiment_score){
if($sentiment_score > 0){
$pos_sum += $sentiment_score +1; # compensates for neutral words that are counted as 1
if ($sentiment_score < 0){
$neg_sum += $sentiment_score -1; # when used with math.fabs(), compensates for neutrals
if ($sentiment_score == 0){
$neu_count += 1;
return [$pos_sum, $neg_sum, $neu_count];
function score_valence($sentiments, $text){
if ($sentiments){
$sum_s = array_sum($sentiments);
# compute and add emphasis from punctuation in text
$punct_emph_amplifier = $this->_punctuation_emphasis($sum_s, $text);
if ($sum_s > 0){
$sum_s += $punct_emph_amplifier;
elseif ($sum_s < 0){
$sum_s -= $punct_emph_amplifier;
$compound = normalize($sum_s);
# discriminate between positive, negative and neutral sentiment scores
list($pos_sum, $neg_sum, $neu_count) = $this->_sift_sentiment_scores($sentiments);
if ($pos_sum > abs($neg_sum)){
$pos_sum += $punct_emph_amplifier;
elseif ($pos_sum < abs($neg_sum)){
$neg_sum -= $punct_emph_amplifier;
$total = $pos_sum + abs($neg_sum) + $neu_count;
$pos =abs($pos_sum / $total);
$neg = abs($neg_sum / $total);
$neu = abs($neu_count / $total);
$compound = 0.0;
$pos = 0.0;
$neg = 0.0;
$neu = 0.0;
$sentiment_dict =
["neg" => round($neg, 3),
"neu" => round($neu, 3),
"pos" => round($pos, 3),
"compound" => round($compound, 4)];
return $sentiment_dict;