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# giteacat
This Python script allows sign up to a Gitea instance to all local users of a Mastodon server.
### Dependencies
- **Python 3**
- Gitea running server with admin access account
- Mastodon's bot account
## Usage
From the Mastodon's server account where this bot is running:
@bot_username registre
## Installation
1. Clone this repo: git clone https://git.mastodont.cat/spla/giteacat.git <target dir>
2. cd into your <target dir> and create the Python Virtual Environment: `python3.x -m venv .`
3. Activate the Python Virtual Environment: `source bin/activate`
4. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install needed libraries.
5. Run `python setup.py` to setup the Mastodon bot account, bot's access tokens, gitea hostname and gitea access token (admin account).
6. Use your favourite scheduling method to set `python giteacat.py` to run every minute.