New feature! players can claim a draw

This commit is contained in:
spla 2020-12-04 19:47:05 +01:00
pare 40b16be125
commit 0fce3f1668
S'han modificat 6 arxius amb 162 adicions i 22 eliminacions

Veure arxiu

@ -4,31 +4,31 @@ Mastodon Chess (mastochess) uses [python-chess](https://python-chess.readthedocs
### How to play: ### How to play:
To get help: - To get help:
@your_bot_username help @your_bot_username help
To start a game: - To start a game:
@your_bot_username new @your_bot_username new
To make a move: - To make a move:
@your_bot_username move e2e4 @your_bot_username move e2e4
To finish game at any time: - To finish game at any time:
@your_bot_username end @your_bot_username end
To list on going games: - To list on going games:
@your_bot_username games @your_bot_username games
To get any game anotations, in ex. game 1, in pgn format: - To get any game anotations, in ex. game 1, in pgn format:
@your_bot_username send 1 @your_bot_username send 1
To promote a pawn use first letter of desired piece: - To promote a pawn use first letter of desired piece:
@your_bot_username move g7g8r (if you want a rook) @your_bot_username move g7g8r (if you want a rook)
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ r = rook
Don't use q for queen. Pawn is promoted to Queen by default. Don't use q for queen. Pawn is promoted to Queen by default.
- To claim a draw:
@your_bot_username draw
### Commands table
| ca | en | es | ex. | Observ. | | ca | en | es | ex. | Observ. |
|:-----:|:-----:|:--------:|:----:|:-----------:| |:-----:|:-----:|:--------:|:----:|:-----------:|
| nova | new | nueva | | | | nova | new | nueva | | |
@ -45,6 +51,8 @@ Don't use q for queen. Pawn is promoted to Queen by default.
| fi | end | fin | | | | fi | end | fin | | |
| jocs | games | partidas | | | | jocs | games | partidas | | |
| envia | send | envia | 1 | game number | | envia | send | envia | 1 | game number |
| taules| draw | tablas | | |
| ajuda | help | ayuda | | |
### Dependencies ### Dependencies
@ -78,3 +86,4 @@ Within Python Virtual Environment:
28.11.2020 - New feature! Now any fediverse user can play Mastodon Chess! 28.11.2020 - New feature! Now any fediverse user can play Mastodon Chess!
28.11.2020 - New feature! Added help 28.11.2020 - New feature! Added help
03.12.2020 - New feature! Added pgn save & send support 03.12.2020 - New feature! Added pgn save & send support
04.12.2020 - New feature! Now players can claim a draw.

Veure arxiu

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ search_new: nova
search_games: jocs search_games: jocs
search_send: envia search_send: envia
search_help: ajuda search_help: ajuda
search_draw: taules
new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperant jugador... new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperant jugador...
playing_with: jugues amb playing_with: jugues amb
your_turn: el teu torn your_turn: el teu torn
@ -52,7 +53,11 @@ start_or_join_a_new_game: nova (iniciar partida o unirse a una en espera)
move_a_piece: mou e2e3 (per exemple) move_a_piece: mou e2e3 (per exemple)
leave_a_game: fi (per a deixar la partida en qualsevol moment) leave_a_game: fi (per a deixar la partida en qualsevol moment)
list_games: jocs (mostra un llistat de partides actives) list_games: jocs (mostra un llistat de partides actives)
get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 és el número de la partida. Envia les anotacions de la partida per correu electrònic, només usuaris del servidor local) get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 és el número de la partida. Envia les anotacions per correu electrònic, en format pgn. Només usuaris locals.)
show_help: ajuda (mostra aquesta ajuda i, per tant, és l'ajuda de l'ajuda) show_help: ajuda (mostra aquesta ajuda i, per tant, és l'ajuda de l'ajuda)
stalemate_str: taules! partida finalitzada. stalemate_str: taules! partida finalitzada.
ask_for_draw: taules
claim_draw_str: ha proposat taules a
draw_and_str: i
agreed_draw_str: han acordat taules.
claim_a_draw: taules (per a proposar/acceptar taules)

Veure arxiu

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ search_new: new
search_games: games search_games: games
search_send: send search_send: send
search_help: help search_help: help
search_draw: draw
new_game_started: game started! Waiting for the second player... new_game_started: game started! Waiting for the second player...
playing_with: you play with playing_with: you play with
your_turn: it's your turn your_turn: it's your turn
@ -52,7 +53,11 @@ start_or_join_a_new_game: new (start a new game or join a waiting one)
move_a_piece: move e2e3 (in ex.) move_a_piece: move e2e3 (in ex.)
leave_a_game: end (to leave the game any time) leave_a_game: end (to leave the game any time)
list_games: games (show an on going games list) list_games: games (show an on going games list)
get_a_game_anotation: send 1 (1 is the game number. It send the game's anotations by email but local users only) get_a_game_anotation: send 1 (1 is the game number. It send the game's anotations by email, pgn format. Local users only.)
show_help: help (show this help so, it's the help of the help) show_help: help (show this help so, it's the help of the help)
stalemate_str: stalemate! game is over. stalemate_str: stalemate! game is over.
ask_for_draw: draw
claim_draw_str: had claimed draw to
draw_and_str: and
agreed_draw_str: agreed draw.
claim_a_draw: draw (to claim/accept a draw)

Veure arxiu

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ search_new: nueva
search_games: partidas search_games: partidas
search_send: envia search_send: envia
search_help: ayuda search_help: ayuda
search_draw: tablas
new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperando jugador... new_game_started: partida iniciada! Esperando jugador...
playing_with: juegas con playing_with: juegas con
your_turn: tu turno your_turn: tu turno
@ -50,9 +51,13 @@ king_piece_letter: R
email_subject: Anotaciones partida n. email_subject: Anotaciones partida n.
start_or_join_a_new_game: nueva (empezar una partida o unirse a una en espera) start_or_join_a_new_game: nueva (empezar una partida o unirse a una en espera)
move_a_piece: mueve e2e3 (por ejemplo) move_a_piece: mueve e2e3 (por ejemplo)
leave_a_game: fin (para dejar la partida en cualquier momento) leave_a_game: fin (dejar la partida en cualquier momento)
list_games: partidas (muestra un listado de partidas activas) list_games: partidas (muestra un listado de partidas activas)
get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 es el número de la partida. Envia las anotaciones de la partida pedida por correo electrónico pero sólo a usuarios del servidor local) get_a_game_anotation: envia 1 (1 es el número de la partida. Envia las anotaciones por correo electrónico, en formato pgn. Sólo usuarios locales.)
show_help: ayuda (muestra esta ayuda y, por tanto, es la ayuda de la ayuda) show_help: ayuda (muestra esta ayuda y, por tanto, es la ayuda de la ayuda)
stalemate_str: Tablas! la partida ha terminado. stalemate_str: Tablas! la partida ha terminado.
ask_for_draw: tablas
claim_draw_str: ha propuesto tablas a
draw_and_str: y
agreed_draw_str: han acordado tablas.
claim_a_draw: tablas (para proponer/aceptar tablas)

Veure arxiu

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
table = "games" table = "games"
sql = "create table "+table+" (created_at timestamptz, game_id serial, white_user varchar(40), black_user varchar(40), chess_game varchar(200), " sql = "create table "+table+" (created_at timestamptz, game_id serial, white_user varchar(40), black_user varchar(40), chess_game varchar(200), "
sql +=" chess_status varchar(12), waiting boolean, updated_at timestamptz, next_move varchar(40), last_move varchar(40), moves int, finished boolean default False, " sql +=" chess_status varchar(12), waiting boolean, updated_at timestamptz, next_move varchar(40), last_move varchar(40), moves int, finished boolean default False, "
sql += "chess_link varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY(game_id))" sql += "chess_link varchar(100), white_stalemate boolean default False, black_stalemate boolean default False, PRIMARY KEY(game_id))"
create_table(db, db_user, table, sql) create_table(db, db_user, table, sql)
table = "stats" table = "stats"

Veure arxiu

@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ def get_piece_name(captured_piece):
def get_notification_data(): def get_notification_data():
conn = None
try: try:
account_id_lst = [] account_id_lst = []
@ -140,9 +142,7 @@ def get_notification_data():
url_lst = [] url_lst = []
search_text = [search_end, search_move, search_new, search_games, search_send, search_help] search_text = [search_end, search_move, search_new, search_games, search_send, search_help, search_draw]
conn = None
conn = psycopg2.connect(database = mastodon_db, user = mastodon_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432") conn = psycopg2.connect(database = mastodon_db, user = mastodon_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432")
@ -653,6 +653,73 @@ def send_anotation(game_id):
return (emailed, game_id, game_found) return (emailed, game_id, game_found)
def claim_draw(username):
conn = None
conn = psycopg2.connect(database = chess_db, user = chess_db_user, password = "", host = "/var/run/postgresql", port = "5432")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select white_user, black_user from games where game_id=(%s)", (game_id,))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row != None:
white_player = row[0]
black_player = row[1]
if white_player == username:
toot_text = '@'+username + ' ' + claim_draw_str + ' @'+black_player + '\n'
cur.execute("update games set white_stalemate = 't' where game_id=(%s)", (game_id,))
toot_text = '@'+username + ' ha proposat taules a ' + '@'+white_player + '\n'
cur.execute("update games set black_stalemate = 't' where game_id=(%s)", (game_id,))
cur.execute("select white_stalemate, black_stalemate from games where game_id=(%s)", (game_id,))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row != None:
white_stalemate = row[0]
black_stalemate = row[1]
if white_stalemate == True and black_stalemate == True:
stalemate = True
stalemate = False
return (white_player, black_player, toot_text, stalemate)
except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
if conn is not None:
def close_game(username, checkmate): def close_game(username, checkmate):
try: try:
@ -963,7 +1030,7 @@ def next_move(playing_user):
def toot_help(): def toot_help():
help_text = '@'+username + ' ' + search_help + ':\n' help_text = '@'+username + '\n'
help_text += '\n' help_text += '\n'
help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + start_or_join_a_new_game + '\n' help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + start_or_join_a_new_game + '\n'
help_text += '\n' help_text += '\n'
@ -975,7 +1042,7 @@ def toot_help():
help_text += '\n' help_text += '\n'
help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + get_a_game_anotation + '\n' help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + get_a_game_anotation + '\n'
help_text += '\n' help_text += '\n'
help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + show_help + '\n' help_text += '@'+bot_username + ' ' + claim_a_draw + '\n'
return help_text return help_text
@ -1038,6 +1105,10 @@ def replying():
reply = True reply = True
elif query_word == search_draw:
reply = True
else: else:
reply = False reply = False
@ -1136,8 +1207,19 @@ def load_strings6(bot_lang):
list_games = get_parameter("list_games", language_filepath) list_games = get_parameter("list_games", language_filepath)
get_a_game_anotation = get_parameter("get_a_game_anotation", language_filepath) get_a_game_anotation = get_parameter("get_a_game_anotation", language_filepath)
show_help = get_parameter("show_help", language_filepath) show_help = get_parameter("show_help", language_filepath)
search_draw = get_parameter("search_draw", language_filepath)
ask_for_draw = get_parameter("ask_for_draw", language_filepath)
return (start_or_join_a_new_game, move_a_piece, leave_a_game, list_games, get_a_game_anotation, show_help) return (start_or_join_a_new_game, move_a_piece, leave_a_game, list_games, get_a_game_anotation, show_help, search_draw, ask_for_draw)
def load_strings7(bot_lang):
claim_draw_str = get_parameter("claim_draw_str", language_filepath)
draw_and_str = get_parameter("draw_and_str", language_filepath)
agreed_draw_str = get_parameter("agreed_draw_str", language_filepath)
claim_a_draw = get_parameter("claim_a_draw", language_filepath)
return (claim_draw_str, draw_and_str, agreed_draw_str, claim_a_draw)
def mastodon(): def mastodon():
@ -1281,7 +1363,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
pawn_piece_letter, knight_piece_letter, bishop_piece_letter, rook_piece_letter, queen_piece_letter, king_piece_letter, email_subject = load_strings5(bot_lang) pawn_piece_letter, knight_piece_letter, bishop_piece_letter, rook_piece_letter, queen_piece_letter, king_piece_letter, email_subject = load_strings5(bot_lang)
start_or_join_a_new_game, move_a_piece, leave_a_game, list_games, get_a_game_anotation, show_help = load_strings6(bot_lang) start_or_join_a_new_game, move_a_piece, leave_a_game, list_games, get_a_game_anotation, show_help, search_draw, ask_for_draw = load_strings6(bot_lang)
claim_draw_str, draw_and_str, agreed_draw_str, claim_a_draw = load_strings7(bot_lang)
mastodon, mastodon_hostname, bot_username = mastodon() mastodon, mastodon_hostname, bot_username = mastodon()
@ -1434,6 +1518,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help_text = toot_help() help_text = toot_help()
help_text = (help_text[:490] + '... ') if len(help_text) > 490 else help_text
mastodon.status_post(help_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id,visibility=visibility) mastodon.status_post(help_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id,visibility=visibility)
update_replies(status_id, username, now) update_replies(status_id, username, now)
@ -1805,6 +1891,36 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
update_replies(status_id, username, now) update_replies(status_id, username, now)
elif query_word == search_draw:
white_player, black_player, toot_text, stalemate = claim_draw(username)
if stalemate == True:
checkmate = False
close_game(username, checkmate)
toot_text = '@'+white_player + ' ' + draw_and_str + ' ' + '@'+black_player + ' ' + agreed_draw_str + '\n\n'
toot_text += '\n' + winned_games + "\n"
played_games, wins = get_stats(white_player)
toot_text += white_player + ': ' + str(wins) + ' ' + wins_of_many + ' ' + str(played_games) + "\n"
played_games, wins = get_stats(black_player)
toot_text += black_player + ': ' + str(wins) + ' ' + wins_of_many + ' ' + str(played_games) + "\n"
mastodon.status_post(toot_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id,visibility=visibility)
mastodon.status_post(toot_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id,visibility=visibility)
update_replies(status_id, username, now)
elif query_word == search_help: elif query_word == search_help:
help_text = toot_help() help_text = toot_help()