Get game anotations even if it's not finalized yet

This commit is contained in:
spla 2020-11-25 13:15:43 +01:00
pare b9277c532c
commit 741f817f28

Veure arxiu

@ -1507,6 +1507,30 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
update_replies(status_id, username, now)
elif query_word[0:5] == 'envia':
query_word_length = len(query_word)
send_game = query_word[6:query_word_length].replace(' ', '')
emailed, game_id, game_found = send_anotation(send_game)
if emailed == False and game_found == True:
toot_text = "@"+username + " error al enviar les anotacions :-("
elif emailed == True and game_found == True:
toot_text = "@"+username + " les anotaciones de la partida n." + str(game_id) + " enviades amb èxit!"
elif emailed == False and game_found == False:
toot_text = "@"+username + " la partida n." + str(game_id) + " no existeix..."
mastodon.status_post(toot_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id,visibility=visibility)
update_replies(status_id, username, now)
if playing_user == None: