Publish to your Twitter account all your Mastodon posts, automagically. mastotuit replicates to Twitter all your Mastodon public text only posts but also your posts with images, with videos and even your polls!
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2022-07-16 11:11:26 +02:00 refactored and added some error handles 2022-01-27 18:13:10 +01:00
LICENSE Added LICENSE 2021-09-10 20:50:33 +02:00 Added thread support 2021-10-07 20:23:17 +02:00 Fix #4 2022-07-16 11:11:26 +02:00 Fix typo 2022-02-14 20:46:49 +01:00
requirements.txt Fix #4 2022-07-16 11:11:26 +02:00 First mastotuit release! 2021-09-10 20:32:11 +02:00


Publish automagically to Twitter all your Mastodon posts!


  • Python 3
  • Postgresql server
  • Mastodon user account
  • Your personal Linux driven PC or laptop


Within Python Virtual Environment:

  1. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install needed libraries.

  2. Run python to setup and create new Postgresql database and needed table in it and setup your Mastodon's account RSS feed in the format 'https://your.mastodon.server/@your_user.rss'

  3. Run python to input and save your Twitter's key and access tokens. You can get your keys and tokens from Twitter Developer Platform

  4. Run python to setup your Mastodon account access tokens.

  5. Use your favourite scheduling method to set python to run every minute.

29.9.2021 New Feature Added support to media files! mastotuit now gets all media files from Mastodon's post (if any) and publish them to Twitter together with your status update.
7.10.2021 New Feature Added thread support! If you create a thread in Mastodon mastotuit will create the same thread on Twitter.
13.10.2021 Upgraded Tweepy library to v4.1.0
13.10.2021 New Feature Added video upload support! If video properties are according Twitter rules it will be uploaded.
14.2.2022 Upgraded Tweepy library to v4.5.0
14.2.2022 New Feature Polls support! Now your Mastodon's polls are replicated to Twitter and they can vote them!