spla spla
spla ha fet push a master de spla/Akkoma.py 2022-07-24 21:18:37 +02:00
4fced75d90 Updated
spla ha fet push a master de spla/Akkoma.py 2022-07-24 21:14:53 +02:00
05ebc69894 Add LICENSE and README.md
spla ha fet push a master de spla/mastotuit 2022-07-16 11:11:52 +02:00
spla va tancar l'incidència spla/mastotuit#4 2022-07-16 11:11:52 +02:00
Polls are not being replicated to Twitter
spla va obrir l'incidència spla/mastotuit#4 2022-07-16 11:10:04 +02:00
Polls are not being replicated to Twitter
spla va tancar l'incidència spla/mastotuit#3 2022-07-15 20:46:29 +02:00
Post's images are not being published to Twitter
spla ha fet push a master de spla/mastotuit 2022-07-15 20:45:20 +02:00
31a4b0a6e2 Fix #3, not publishing attached images
spla ho va comentar en l'incidència spla/mastotuit#3 2022-07-15 20:36:36 +02:00
Post's images are not being published to Twitter

Mastodon release v3.5.3 introduced a change of its RSS feed Change RSS feeds so the current code of mastotuit is not getting the urls of attached…

spla va obrir l'incidència spla/mastotuit#3 2022-07-15 20:27:15 +02:00
Post's images are not published to Twitter
spla ha fet push a master de spla/giteacat 2022-06-19 17:31:28 +02:00
c145b00d27 it's sign up
spla ha fet push a master de spla/giteacat 2022-06-19 17:18:39 +02:00
24a94bc41f Not returning mastodon_hostname, fixed
spla ha fet push a master de spla/giteacat 2022-06-19 17:16:13 +02:00
4745c850fd Generated email address's domain is not harcoded anymore
spla ha fet push a master de spla/giteacat 2022-06-19 16:41:38 +02:00
d1b68680e9 Fix typo