This code publish information of the Mastodon instance where the bot has its account, if requested, then reply following information: Registered users, Active users (MAU), LocalPosts, Instance's peers, Mastodon's version and Registration Opened/Closed
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2023-06-28 20:29:36 +02:00 )
Block the servers running the software of your choice from your Mastodon server's peers.
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2023-04-13 18:11:14 +02:00 )
This code gets all peers from Goal is to collect maximum number of alive fediverse's servers and then query their API to obtain their registered users (if their API provide such information). At the end it post the results to host server bot account.
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2023-02-11 20:59:57 +01:00 )
This code gets all peers from Goal is to collect maximum number of alive fediverse's servers and then query their API to obtain their registered users (if their API provide such information). At the end it post the results to host server bot account.
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2023-01-11 13:34:26 +01:00 )
Python wrapper for the Mastodon ( API.
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2022-09-21 22:48:07 +02:00 )
Python wrapper for the Ejabberd API (WIP).
Updated%!(EXTRA template.HTML=2022-08-29 12:34:17 +02:00 )